Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Brown matter(not hair algea) on glass

Brown matter(not hair algea) on glass

25 9:47:48

I have a reef tank and I continue to have a problem with some form of brown algea or something that is in my water and accumulates on my tanks glass. I have increased added larger filters, did partial water chnages and added chemimcal, nothing has helped.

Hi there, I have not experienced this myself, the only thing I can suggest is to keep the lights on for certain periods of time only (normally no more than 8 hours a day but if I was having a problem like this it would be no more than 6 hrs a day) and make sure there is no natural sunlight hitting the tank. Also test your parameters and continue with the partial water changes once a week (no more than about 10-15) If there is excess nutrients when you test the water (nitrites or nitrates) do a larger change of about 20
andd see if this helps. Sorry I cannot be of more help.