Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > white things....

white things....

25 9:42:02

sorry but its me again :P... on my live rock i have this white stuff on it and it looks like some one drizzled a melted laffy taffy all over my rock.. and it seems to be kinda hard and REALLY stuck to the rock... i have no idea what it could be....

Also i have this white worm like thing on the side of the rock, it comes out at night and it seems to have this fuzzy bubble around it... its also skinny like the lead refill for a mechanical pencil... and it extends out to be like 3" long and it shrinks into almost being flat...

thank you so much!!!

Hey again

The laffy taffy stuff sounds like the start of coraline algae, which is a excellent sign that your tank is healthy. soon it will turn a neon green or a bright pink. congrats!

The white things are probably spaghetti worms, theyre harmless and if a fish spots the worm, its a free meal