Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > naso tang

naso tang

25 9:43:37

QUESTION: I have had my naso tang for about a weak now and i just have one question. Do naso tangs lay on there side?

ANSWER: Hey Steven

No, thats not normal. Few fish are supposed to lay on their sides. What size tank do you have him in? they get up to 20" long, so you are looking at bare minimum a 220g tank for one of them. How are your water parameters? what size is he/what size is the tank?

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QUESTION:  I did some research and ask one of my most trusted pet suppliers what they think and they said that with some tangs like the blue tang and some of these tangs with lay on there sides at times. He is about 4 to 5 in. I have him in a 36g. with a snowflake eel and a decarater crab and i am getting a baby nigger trigger.

ANSWER: Is he gasping? laying on their side is really not normal, tangs are active fish.

Are you planning on a larger tank for the Naso? I would maybe wait for the trigger until you can move the Naso, which gets 17"

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QUESTION: What do you mean gasping? No i dont plan on moving him.

Gasping is where the fish pumps his gills really fast

If you keep him long term, he will get stunted growth. It will certainly decrease his life span. I would expect him to have about half of his life cut. By keeping him in a small tank, his hormones will get screwed up and he will never reach his full potential. Please, for the fishes sake, get a larger tank