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lights in fish tank

25 9:29:55

Hi Renee
Is it a problem to leave the lights off in our aquarium for two days it does get some natural light from the windows. we have a 125 gal salt water tank with 100 pounds of live rock two chromies, two tomato clowns and two black clowns, yellow tail tang, snails and urchin black long spine on it.

Hi Karen,

As long as you don't have corals, it is okay for a couple days at a time, as long as some streaming sun hits the tank.  The Yellow Tang will require direct sunlight to prevent him from getting LLE.  Lateral Line Erosion is caused by a multitude of factors, including vitamin deficiencies and food deficiencies, poor quality water, etc, and some of those very vitamins are received only from sunlight.  Sun, natural sun, has very good benefits for our fish.

Corals will suffer without light.  Be conscientious regarding this aspect, if you have coral.

I certainly hope my information helps you out, Karen, and good luck. :)

Happy fish-keeping!
