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bristle worms in tank

25 9:47:39

I read your answer to Brian about the worms in his tank, you said to remove the rock an put it fresh water for 2 days, then you told him you had another cure but would need a stock list, I have a royal gamma,lawnmower blennie, 2 damsels (domino and one that is light blue in color, have one piece of live rock with a feather duster on it, another piece of rock that the bristle worm is in, it is real white now (is it dead or will it come back). I have seen one large on in the rock, and some small ones in the gravel or  running on the gravel. Please help me if you can.
Thank you,



there are certain types of fishes that eat these worms.  You do not have any in your tank, so here is plan B.  Remove all of your live rock place it in fresh water for 2-4 days. If you can spray the rocks down as well.  This will help get out the worms/material in the cracks or crevices of the rock. The stuff growing on your rock will turn white that is the die-off. Then scrub off all of the dead material. It should grow back in about a month.  Make sure you get all of it off because this decay may raise your ammonia levels. Do not forget to remove the feather duster as well.

Also they sell traps for these guys at pet stores or on line.  Try to net them out as well.  I have read that these little worms are harmless but the big one may be a problem.

good luck