Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Plants


25 9:29:41

I am interested in buying seahorses. I have done a lot of research on them, and I have been taking many precautions. My aquarium has been running for about a month and a half now and I slowly want to start adding plants (I will be adding the seahorses after about 4-5 months). I know a few plants that are suitable for seahorses, but there are a few plants that I am interested in getting that I am not sure will be suitable for seahorses:
Rotala Wallichii
Hornwort plants
Do you know if these would be okay to add to the tank? I can't seem to find many sources on appropriate seahorse plants otherwise I would find out for myself. Any piece of information you can give me would be very helpful!


Hi Mitch,

If you are able to successfully care for these species of saltwater aquatic plants, by providing them with the appropriate water parameters and lighting, then I believe they will make a nice addition to your dedicated seahorse aquarium. Your seahorse will be very happy to have them, they will be able to attach to them for stability.


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