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Saltwater ich

25 9:49:04

Good morning Sir
I have a sltwater tank that is pretty well established, I recently added a Yellow bar Angelfish who is doing well but I noticed this morning that it has ich. In the past I had no problem adding copper safe but I now also have anenamie(sorry if I spelled that wrong) that have latched on to the live rock. Is there any treatment I can use that will not hurt them and my biological system?
Thank you,
Billy Minichiello

I typically recommend using a combination of Kent Marine's RXP and PolyOx to remove Ich in a reef environment.  Just remember to follow the directions to the letter.

In conjunction with that I recommend soaking the fish foods in Kent's Garlic Xtreme to help take care of the Ich from the inside.

All of these products can be found via our online catalog at

Thanks for your time and attention.  Best of luck with your fish!

Scott Johnson
Aquarium Crazy Fish