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Yellow tang help

25 9:48:34

Hey Todd,

My Yellow Tang's top fin was getting damaged by one it's other tankmates, so I moved him to a hospital tank. While the fin does appear to be growing back, he's got a strange red veiny cluster on his face going up to the injured fin. What is this? Water tests out normal.




Without seeing your fish it's hard to say, one good sign is the frayed fin is healing but the red cluster on his face I have never seen or read about.  One possibility is there is more blood flow going to the frayed and injured fin.  This happens because the growing fin needs more nutrients. I looked in my fish text books and found nothing the matches your fishes malady.  It could be something like Hole in the head disease but the signs are not the same. This may also be a viral infection but again it's hard to say.  I will see if I can come up with any other suggestions.

Sorry I could not be a more help.