Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > moving...


25 9:37:24

Im moving a nano tank that i have just recently set only contains a live
rock, sand and water, im putting the rock into another tank but how long can i
keep the sand in a bag with some water. Will it be ok for a day or two?

Hey Brandon,

I saw your subject and thought, hmmm, not going to be fun....

BUT, since your tank is new and not much to worry about, it really isnt that bad.

I would put the sand into a bucket.  (you can buy them at home depot or some hardware store.)

I would put a few inches of water over the sand and put a heater in it, and cover it up... (set heater to 75)

It should be good for two days...

If you want longer storage, put more water in it and put a powerhead for circulation.,...

I would do the same for rocks... No problem in keeping them all together...

Good luck, and let me know how things work out fo your....
