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white spots all over!

25 9:47:57

Hello, I'm a new saltwater hobbyist. I just discovered that my tomato clown fish has died.  It's been dead for several days in my tank, I thought it was an excellent hider.  Anyway, I've noticed white spots on several of the other fish, along the tank and filter.  What is it? How does the dead fish pose a threat to the other fish and the water?  I'm thinking it's ick, but not sure exactly how to treat the habitat.  Pls. respond soon......THANKS  

Hi there, The dead fish can contribute to ammonia and nitrite levels which are toxic to fish. Dead fish should be removed as soon as possible when discovered to avoid this. It definitely sounds like the others have white spot. You will need to treat that with medication from your fish store. The best way is to treat them in a separate tank and allow your tank to run empty for 4-6 weeks. If this is not possible there are certain products you can treat the tank with and then you will have to run carbon through to remove the medication after it. Best to enquire at your fish store to find the best solution for you. Hope this helps.