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Mandarin Dragonet

25 9:40:19

I have a 48 gal. bowfront with about 20 lbs live rock. Populated by 2 clowns,1 long nose hawk, a wrasse and a damsel. Large fluval filter, no skimmer. Can I add a Mandarin Dragonet ?

Hi Irwin. A mandarin dragonet would be fine as far as getting along with all your other fish. Just keep in mind that these fish are used to eating small planktonic organisms in the ocean and in a tank that does not have a very large population of these food items they can quickly starve. In the wild these fish will spend their entire day picking at the rocks in search of food and they require a lot of food to keep them healthy. If al all possible ask to see if the fish is eating before you purchase it. If not be prepared to buy live brine shrimp or a supply of live copepods on a daily basis to ensure that this fish is eating. You can eventually get the mandarin dragonet to eat frozen meaty marine foods like mysis shrimp but it can take some time and a lot of patience. Do not buy any mandarin that has pinched in sides and is thin at all. This is a sign that the fish is not eating very well in the tank you purchase it from and it probably won't eat very well in your tank either. Once established and eating well a mandarin dragonet makes a wonderful addition to your tank and they can get very personable coming out when it sees you to eat!