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Dogface puffer eating habits

25 9:43:57

Recently bought a dogface ouffer he is eating but not eating shell foodds that can assist with his teeth what can i do to encourage the eating og shell foods? help

Hi Jan. Keep trying is my best advice to you. Have you tried krill? These come with the shell still on them and are extremely palatable to most fish.  Without knowing what he does like to eat it is hard for me to say what you should try. I also don't know what you have already tried. Some good choices to try would be; krill, prawn, shrimp, all with the shell still on. You can try live fiddler crabs,a small crayfish, every once in a while, or ghost shrimp. They do not need to eat these at every feeding just as a teeth maintenance feeding of about once or twice a week. Sometimes it is easier to get them to eat a treat of live, however if you had a hard time getting him off live food then I would stick with the froze krill or prawn and just keep trying. Do not feed him anything else while introducing a new food. Feed him and that is what he gets. Eat it or not. Eventually he will be hungry enough to try something new.