Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Help!!


25 9:49:27

I have just noticed what looks like knats, only in the water between the rocks..I was just wondering what they are and are they harmful?
Also I have noticed little white sprial things, with what looks like flowers on the end of them, all over the walls mostly around the rocks, and was wondering if they are harmful and if you know what they are either?
Thank you soooo much, Laura

The knat looking things are most likely Mysis shrimp or plankton.  Neither of which are harmful... and your fish would most likely eat them if they find them.

As for the white swirlly things... those are hard tube worms.  They are filter feeders and are also not harmful.  They tend to appear from the live rock.

Best of luck with your aquarium.

Scott Johnson
Aquarium Crazy Fish