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white bubble on Moorish Idols eye

25 9:46:42

my husband and I started our saltwater tank about a month ago. We were told not to buy certain fish until it was just right. We went to a local fish store and told them about our tank and he okayed a Moorish Idol. We then hear they are the hardest fish to keep alive for an experienced person, let alone a rookie. So we have had him for 2 weeks, we caught him nibbling on the algae on the live rock when we first got him, now he will eat the black worms when they are put in the tank. But this morning we noticed on his left eye he has this cloudy bubble over it. When he looks around it moves, and almost looks like the ring around his eye is swollen over it. What could this be? Also there are some white spots on our live rock, kid of fuzzy looking.

sounds like the start of velvet disease or pop eye, have a look on google and try and identify it and also look for remedies in your part of the world as they will be different from here. also worth telling the shop as they may well give you the treatment free of charge as it must have been sick before you got it.