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Naso Tang/Black all the time

25 9:42:57


black naso tang w/ dis
Our Naso tang is black all the time w/ white spots some of the time/ also a white growth on the edge of his tail.The yellow tang seems to pick on it?
Tank is 150 gal. Sand live/40lbs approx 1- 1/2 deep.Tonga/fuji 140lbs-corals variety LPS,Leather, Mushrooms, bubble coral, feather dusters, cleaner crew standard.1-yellow tang,1-hippo tang,1-half black angel, 1-diana hog fish,1-scooter blenny,1-spotted blenny,1-green wolf eel,1-chromis,1-banner fish,2-percula clowns,1-pj cardinal,3-sandsifting start fish, 1-marble starfish,1-coral banded shrimp,1-6 line wrasse, 2-cleaner shrimp,1-spint sea urchin small,


I assume this Naso tang's scientific name is Naso literatus?  Many tangs or surgeonfishes have the ability to change their colour rapidly depending on the mood.  While I have never personally kept a Naso tang, I feel that it is safe to assume that this coloration means that he is stressed - this assumption is supported by the white spots you describe which is Cryptocaryon irritans AKA marine ich generally caused by stress.  With regards to the white growth, without a good picture of the tail, I cannot tell what it is.  It may be a fungal infection similar to fin rot.

How long have you had this fish? It is possible that your yellow and hippo tang may be bullying it because it is new and it is also possible that your eel may be trying to predate on the naso causing immense stress.  

The best way to get rid of marine ich is to remove the factor attributing to its proliferation.  I would suggest a massive water change (at least 20%) at about 11pm when the lights are out, roughly the time the ich parasite drops off as part of its life cycle.  Also, feed large quantities of enriched foods about 5 times per day, soaked in SeaChem Garlic Guard - this will help boost the immune system.  Also, if there are any signs of bullying from the other two tangs,  move all of the rocks around, this will confuse the two tangs and reduce their territorial behaviour.

If you have a sump on this tank, move the naso down there as this will isolate him and greatly increase his chance of survival.

If you can back to me with the following, it will help me give a better answer:

1.  Size of the naso, yellow and hippo tangs as well as the wolf eel
2.  Picture of the tank and the tail of the naso tang
3.  Frequency of water changes and what % is changed
4.  How long you have had each of the three tangs and what order they were placed in the tank?
5.  What you feed the tank and how often

I really hope this helps and please get back to me with the above ASAP

