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25 9:33:10

What is the turbidity level a clown fish can live in?

hey Tyla,

Wow, i had to loook that word up?!?!?!   hehehe  good word...

I am not sure of the TLU/TLN limits for any fish, as i have never been aware of that as a requirement.  It is not specified in everything i could find...

I will say that i have seen clowns and other fish survive short periods in opaque water conditions...  almost mud, hehehe,

I would not suggest that as a long term biosphere though..

Most of the things we deal with in captive aquaria will settle out and not be problematic, but i would wonder about the stuff that does not precipate out of the water column, things we cant see...

I am sorry i can not help you further, but there is a marine biologist that hangs out at my new forum at that might be more familiar with your question/information then i am, sorry, i could not be of more help
