Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Clownfish going gray

Clownfish going gray

25 9:26:38

David, I have a pair of perculla clowns that I have had over a year and they have been doing fantastic. All of the sudden I have seen one of the clows very gray likes its loosing its color. It looks like a ghost of a clownfish. Not bright at all. I have no idea what is going on,heis still swimming around and eating fine. He doesn't look sick at all. I thought it could of been brooklynella at first but it doesn't look like it could be cause its his whole body and he's not heavy breathing and such. I haven't added any new fish but I have just treated with the chemiclean to remove cyno,and did the 20 percent water change. All my other fish are ok. What do you think this can be? I haven't changed the diet either. Thank you for your help

Hi Taylor:

No cause for alarm. Some Clownfish will change color as they age, when they pair off, and for breeding purposes.

As long as you don't see any fungus or parasites on your Clownfish, then more than likely it's changing its color naturally.

David - All Experts Editor - Director Of Operations