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Sea Anemome

25 9:44:23

I recently started a 12 gallon nano tank.  Right now I have 2 clowns, 1 urchin, 6 crabs, and an anemone along with lots of live rock.  I am concerned with my anemone.  It seems to spend most of its time shriveled up more than open.  Is this just it adjusting to a newer tank?  The people at the store said it is something they do usually after they eat, but it seems like it is happening way to often.  Please, any advice will be helpful.  Also would like some advice on feeding it.  Right now I am giving frozen clam bits and it doesn't seem to eat them.  Thank You

Hi Jessica. Exactly what type of anemone do you have? This is a very important piece of information because different species require different feedings and lighting. Most anemones will not do well unless they have moderate to high lighting. What kind of lights do you have? The one thing I can tell you is that the store is right. They do deflate shortly after they eat. However this event should not last more than a few hours and if it is persisting it may be due to not enough lighting. Then there's the question of water quality. Anemones do not tolerate water that is slow moving or has any ammonia or nitrite in it. They can only thrive if your nitrate is below 10 ppm. Water quality can also be a factor here.  Don't worry about feeding it right now. Some anemones can go a very long time without eating and if you are trying to feed it when it is already stressed out you could be stressing it out worse. If you would like you can get back to me with what kind of anemone you have, what kind of lighting and how your water tests and I can be of a little more help. I'll be here for a little while!