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Hair Algae

25 9:48:56

Hi Todd,
I am fighting the beloved hair algae in my salt water aquarium and feel that, given time, I will get it under control. However, and for the short term, do you by chance know of a chemical additive that I can use to keep it all in check until I find the permanant solution?. I can not locate a product locally or on the web!!
Thank you very much! Jim Woods



I have a huge problem with hair algae.

1. cut down on your lighting this will help a lot.
2.  check your phosphate  if it is high your tank will look like the amazon.
3.  I do not use chemical additives have your tried any algae eaters like emerald crabs or snails.
4.  Look into some phosphate control such as Phos-Zorb, phos-guard & phosphate filter pads.  try

Good luck Todd