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saltwater small aquarium

25 9:36:17

I have a 2 gallon fresh water aquarium. i have this setup for 2 years. I wanted to set it up with saltwater fish in my classroom for the kids, I cant have bigger that that. Is it possible to maintain a salt water aquarium of this size.

Hello Seerat...

Yes it is possible to have and maintain a tank of that size, BUT, it is much harder and needs more frequent attention.

Water evaporates daily, and in a small tank, that little bit of evaporation will affect the salinity more then if you had a larger tank...

If you tried to keep it from evaporating, you will get the tank water too warm...

There are ways and methods to deal with and control those variable and others, but again, time is the issue.

also, what would you do on summer breaks?  take the tank home???

good luck,


also, please keep me posted and let me know what you end up doing and how it works out for you...