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new fish recommendations

25 9:43:43

I would like your suggestions on the best fish to add to my tank (employees at the LFS have no ideas for compatibility). I have a one year old FOWLR 30 gallon containing one yellow tailed damsel, one watchman goby, and one ocellaris clownfish.  I would like to add one, possible two, fish. Any suggestions for compatibility? I have looked in a dwarf angel or type of blenny, but would like a second opinion.

Hey Lauren

you have lots of choices. You could add another clownfish, a fairy wrasse, royal gramma, firefish, jawfish, neon goby, green chromis, cardinals, sixline wrasse, Blue Assessor, etc. You could get away with 2 of the fish I listed besides the chromis, they need groups so i would get a group of 5, and no fish after that. If you want me to target some more specific fish for your tank (wrasse, schooling fish, etc) feel free to ask me a follow up