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nitrite and nitrate and how to lower ph

25 9:28:32

Well I  have a reading of 0 ppm on nitrite and have a reading of  80 ppm on nitrate is that good or bad. My ph is at 8.4 and the ammonia is at 0 ppm.   All the reading where down with the API saltwater master test kit..  my tank is 120gallons  ..

Eddie,  All your numbers are perfect. If this is a new tank you are almost completely cycled out and soon be ready for fish it is not uncommon to bring everything to zero in a new aquarium. If it is not a new tank your numbers are still ok but your nitrates are climbing to high. It is either time for a good water change with a siphon...or make sure your filtration system is adequate for your tank. You should be pumping around 1000 gallons an hour on that size tank. Saltwater is all about filtration that's where the money Without the filtration you need even cleaning your nitrates will climb faster than usual. Good Luck, Tina