Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Water chemical levels

Water chemical levels

25 9:48:34

We can not seem to keep our aquarium's chemical levels, i.e. nitrate, level at a safe or consistant quality. Please help before we loose more fish.



I would do these things:

1. Try a partial water change (make sure your tap or other source has no nitrate in it.)  Anywhere between 10-15% for the water change.

2.  You could add some cured live rock. Anaerobic bacteria within the live rock will reduce nitrate into harmless gas.

3 try some nitrate reducing compounds.  They sell this stuff at pet stores.

4 also try adding live sand. This has helped me in the past about 1-2 inches on the bottom will do it has the same effect as live rock.

Good Luck