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want to buy a micro reef tank

25 9:48:35


I've been doing salt on and off for the past twenty years; I am interested in putting a micro reef tank in my office and wanted your advice. I've seen multiple micro setups but was wondering what your recommendation would be.

many thanks,


Hello Greg,

   Micro's have facinated me, too. The nano reef systems they are putting together are obviously for convenience and space availability. If I were to purchase one of these systems my first thought would be, "what do I want in this beautiful little world on my desk?" Something I can gaze at to relieve stress and fascinate all who peer in. I would start with what I want to have, personally and go to the mini system that will support that life form best. Do you want mini corals, a fish or two, a clown and anenome, shrimps, nudibranchs, or a small combo world? Since you have experience with saltwater you know the delicate balance which must be maintained. That being the case I would look for the highest quality minisystem you can find. The chances are good if you have a quality system, no matter the size, you will have better results, and your desktop world will not turn into a headache. After examining your choices call each manufacturer and ask for the person who knows the most about what creatures their product can legitimately support for an extended period of time and any tips they might be able to give you to make the maintainance of the system easier. Good luck and remember, take your time with getting started. Gerry.