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new tank setup

25 9:47:13

QUESTION: hi Todd, i have a 33 fresh water cube with an  Emperor 280 filter, i want to switch to saltwater,what would beside cleaning the tank real good with water only. what else would i need to start?

ANSWER: You need the following:

Sea salt Instant ocean is good
Test kits PH, NH3, Nitrates, net, bucket
one power head
Hydrometer to measure salinty
Maybe a protein skimmer
Live sand about 10 pounds
Live rock start with cured base rock about 10-15 pounds
Stronger lighting about 3 to 5 watts per gallon

This should get you started let me know what type of fish you want. I can help with some suggestions for hardy fish. If you need a step by step let me know

Good luck Todd

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Todd, does the sea salt come ready or do i have to mix it with tap water. and how long do you think before i can put in a fish & what fish should i start with.
ANSWER: Hello,

you have to mix the sea salt with conditioned tap water.  You should wait until your water chemistry is perfect  0 ammonia,0 nitrite pH needs to be 8.1-8.2.  Your tank needs to be completely cycled.  This takes about 6-8 weeks to happen.  Look online for some fish pick 5-10 about I will let you know which ones are the best for beginners.

Look into blue devils, hawkfish, clowns, blennies
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Todd, do you think water already mixed from the store would
work better and do i put in the rock @ the same time or do i wait until water chemistry is perfect.


the sea water pre-mixed from the store is great just a bit $$ pricey.  But it will work just as fine.

Please place the rock in now. It will effect your water a small bit.  Please do not put any fish in until 0 ammonia,
0 nitrite, this is crucial.  Good luck