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Sea goblin

25 9:39:18

Hello.  So we have a 55g tank, all fish.  A p.voltian and a dwarf fuzzy.  Just
added a sea goblin.  Don't know much about them. We have had him for
about one week now.  I'm just wondering if u can give some more info on

Hello Brian. These are really cool scorpionfish that spend 90% of the day buried under the substrate with their eye poking up. They are ambush feeders that wait for food to pass overhead then they spring out of the substrate to engulf its prey, then climb back under. As for care and compatibility. They require docile tankmates, and access to live food at first. They will eat anything that fits into their mouths, and in my experience require live ghost shrimp or saltwater feeders to get established in your tank. Additionally, any tankmate that picks on their skin (like angelfish or triggers) my have to be separated. I found these fish very neat and hardy with other scoprionfish, tangs, wrasses.
Lastly, because they do hide under the substrate frequently, please exercise care when you clean the tank, make sure you can see the fish just to keep from getting a surprise and they are of course venomous-like all scorpionfish.
Here is a site that will tell you everything you need to know about this fish.