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Tall saltwater setup

25 9:42:12

I have a newly setup wet/dry saltwater aquarium. I moved inhabitants from a long tank to a tall tank, advantages, arcylic over glss, wet/dry over biowheel but all in all I have probably less light reaching the bottom and less surface area. I have since done my research, however I don't want to risk moving everyone again cause of the stress they are already under. Has anyone maintained reef and saltwater setups in tall tanks? Any advice. I have a sea anemone, a clown fish, several corals, lots of live rock, crushed coral and live sand, hermit crabs and snails, as well as two different species of starfish, one chocolate chip and the other one is a bottom feeder.

Hey Aaron

keeping high light corals in tall tanks is possible, but you for sure need a T-5 light or metal halides. depending on the tanks depth, youre probably looking at a few 250w or 400w metal halides, or a 8-12 bulb T-5 system. you should probably get halides with having a anemone