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transfering tank

25 9:38:35

We will be purchasing an exisiting mini reef setup with coral and fish.  It will need to be transferred a couple miles and can be done in one day.  Will the transfer be to stressful for the fish.  I can take the fish to local dealer.   I was thinking of a small quarantine tank for the fish for a week or so to allow the tank to settle if that would work.


Hello Rich,

thanks for checking in prior to your move.

Moving is always difficult, for you and the tank inhabitants.  What size is mini reef setup?

I would suggest if possible, to setup a tank at your new location, as soon as possible, even a Rubbermaid or other container.

Use some of the old tank water if you have it, if not, make sure you acclimate the fish and corals prior to 'dropping them in'.  I don't think it will be difficult to move things this way.

Use a bucket or two or three, and pull out at least half of what is in the tank, assuming you can carry the tank with it less then half full of water and corals.

I would still pull the fish out and place them into the buckets so they do not get crushed by falling rocks or splashed out of the tank while moving it.

After placing the tank into its new location, i would replace the water that you took out with new saltwater, (not just fresh mixed).

Then in about two hours or so you should be okay to put stuff back into the tank.

This has risk to the fish and corals, it is a stressful operation, but just pulling the corals out and putting them into someone else system carries similar risk of stress or shock..  You may lose something, but probably not all or even most.. depends on what is in that mini system

If it is cold in your area, make sure you have heaters working while you are transferring and all that.

good luck, let us know how it works out for you.

Mr. Bill