Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > FISH DIE OFF


25 9:28:21

Woke up this morning and all the fish and my cleaner shrimp were dead.  The water was cloudy.

This tank has been established for over a year.  I checked salinity/temp/nitrates/nitrites, etc.  everything is fine.

Also in the tank are an anemone, snails, mushroom rock,feather dusters.

I recently added xenia, red macro algae, and wire algae.

Whaaa happened?

many things could have happend that caused this crash, often times when something like this happens it is a result of a fish, or other tank inhabitant dying without the owner of the tank noticing, the rotting fish will continue to pollute the tank until it is removed and everything else in the tank will most likely die. you see this alot with anemones in tanks because they will rot many times faster than a fish.

other than that i can only think that somehow your tank was poisoned, may things could poison a tank,rocks unfit for a reef tank, to even using febreeze in the same room as the tank.

did the corals seem to be affected at all? if not then that would cancel out all of the above because as you probably know corals are much more sensitive to water conditions than any fish or cleaner shrimp so that would mean it would be something entirely different than water problems.

hope that helps a bit,
