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Saltwater Tank with fish transport

25 9:44:07

Hello Jennifer. First, thank you for even being available for questions and sharing your expertise.  I am a first time fish tank owner.  I am purchasing a salt water tank with 3 fish (eel, puffer, tang).  This will be a 7 hour trip.  I am very very green and need to know the best way to attempt this move.  I bought the tank because of the fish and want to ensure they make it!  Thank you again.

HI Nikki. First of all get yourself some brand new large heavy duty containers with lids. Trash cans are ideal for moving an aquarium. You will want to save as much of the water as possible depending on the size of the tank. Save as much of the substrate as you can as well. The fish you can bag up with fish bags from your local pet store. They should sell you a few if you ask. If not, use Styrofoam coolers lined with plastic trash bags for transporting the fish. Siphon out as much of the water as you can and put into the heavy duty containers. Put any rocks or decorations into these as well as long as they don't make it too heavy to transport.(You will need lots of help with this trip so gather a few friends and make it a fun experience!) Next put the fish in their bags or coolers with some of the tank water as well. Depending on the size of the tank(anything over 55 gallons will most likely be too heavy) and how much substrate there is on the bottom you may be able to transport the tank with the gravel and enough water to ensure the gravel stays wet. You will want to work quick so as to make the time the fish spend in the bags as short as possible. Gather up all equipment and be on your way. As long as you are able to save about 50% of the water you will be in good shape. Make sure you know exactly where you are going to put the tank in your house before you even go to get it. Have ready a net, a few buckets of some salt water already mixed up and at the right pH and salinity and a reliable outlet and surge protector. Then start the reset up of the tank. Add water you have saved and any decorations. Try to put everything back as it was at least at first to fool the fish into thinking they are in the same place. Add the fish, the new saltwater and hook up the filtration. Don't be too worried about cleaning anything at this point you will have plenty of time to do that after your fish are used to the new location. The tank will most likely look a little cloudy for a day or two and this is normal, don't be alarmed. These three fish are very hardy and should withstand the transport quite well. Give them plenty of water during the move and add a little stress coat or a similar product to the water. You may want to stop a few times to check and make sure they are doing okay. A piece of cake! Not really its a lot of hard work but well worth it!