Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > cocopods


25 9:47:44

I have a 37gallon tank and I have alooooottttt of cocopods in it.I was wondering what are cocopods?How do they get there?,and are they harmful to your tank?

do you mean COPEOPODS? as i always thought cocopods were the breakfast cerial that turns your milk chocolaty?

copepods are small crustceans that are never more than half a cm long (most are much smaller). In english, they are small bugs that run around your tank.

mostly they will hitch hike in your live rock, and they reproduce fast if there is nothing eating them. they are deffinatly not harmfull to your tank, They feed on phytoplankton, detritus, bacteria, or protozoans, depending on the species.