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Stocking A 45 Gallon Corner Aquarium

25 9:47:44

thank you very much, i knew i needed more live rock, and that will be purchased first, about the clownfish, should it be the same species of clown or could i vary it...i really don't want any baby clown fish swimming around, i to would like to keep the fish diverse, so if not a clown do u have any other suggestions, i just worry about my cowfish, i dont want to stress him to much!!

thanks again
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Hi, I have a 45 Gallon Corner Aqurium that is well established and currently has one yellow tailed damsel, a clownfish, one orange firefish, one cleaner shrimp, one singapore angel, and one longhorn cowfish...i also have 10 to 15 pounds of live rock, all my levels have been dead on accurate and the fish are healthy, do u think the tank is overstocked already or could I possibly add another fish, if so do you have any suggestions?

hi, glad to hear the tank is going well!

to be honest i reckon you should be able to squeeze 1 more fish in, firstly i would get a few more Kg of live rock. should be about 1Kg per 2 gallons. as the live rock acts as the main filter i wouldn't put any more bio load on the rock you have.

i would get a mate for your clown fish, they do best in pairs to be honest. after that i would say that was the limit of your tank.

hope that helps

i think you will notice the diffrence in your clown if you add another, same species is best, if you get 1 that is smaller your clown will turn into the female of the pair and the smaller 1 will be the male.

i wouldn't worry about baby clowns in your tank, its near on impossible for the common marine keeper to breed fish without specialist equipment.