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Adding a Falco

25 9:30:12

Hi this is dave
I was thinking about adding a falco hawkfish to a thirty gallon standard Right now all i have is a mated pair of True Perc in the tank.  i was just wondering if the hawk is going to be too aggressive for the clowns to breed again and i don't have any coral for the clowns to host they have shunned everything that i have but in there but they have been content with just hosting the top corner of my tank.  Any advice would be greatly Appreciated


Orange Zoanthus Specie
Hi Dave,

Regarding a coral for your clownfish to host, try an orange zoanthid button polyp coral, (Zoanthus sp.)

I've had great luck with getting my stubborn clownfish to host with this particular coral, which otherwise would not take to a variety of anemones, that I've tried over the years.

These orange zoanthid button polyp coral have very small tentacles, which carry stinging cells, similar to anemones, which produces a therapeutic effect for the clownfish, which also helps to keep the clownfish parasite free.

Regarding the beautiful Falco Hawkfish, they are semi-aggressive; when trying to get your clownfish to breed, it's always best to not have any other fish in the tank with them. It's best to have a dedicated tank for a mated pair of clownfish.

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