Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Algal Bloom

Algal Bloom

25 9:40:55

QUESTION: Hi, Michael. Within the month I've had my aquarium running, I've had two algal blooms. The algae is a stringy green variety that has grown everywhere. I have no clue as to what is causing this.

I have a 30-gallon aquarium stocked with base rock and live sand. I don't have a filter, but I do have a protein skimmer. Also, lighting the aquarium is 110 watts of 10000K/Deep Blue 03 combo compact fluorescent bulbs. I use RO/DI water.

Could it be the lighting is too strong? Or the lack of a filter? Could my water be too rich in nutrients? I have no idea what to do. This problem is starting to spoil the hobby.

Thank you, Ariel

ANSWER: Hi Ariel

Your tank sounds well set up.  Don't worry about the current algae blooms.  You will continue to have these for the next 6 months or so.  Pretty much every tank goes through these.

Just keep doing bi-weekly water changes and eventually it will come right.

Kind Regards


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, Michael. Thank you for the prompt reply. A follow up question: What is the best way to clean the algae off of the aquarium glass? The algae is surprisingly hard to wipe off. Thank you, Ariel

Hi Ariel

The easiest way I have found is to buy magnet scrapers from your local aquarium/pet store.  One side sits in the tank and the other sits outside.  As you move the one on the outside, the inside one scrapes the algae.

see here:

Kind Regards
