Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > good tank mates for a cow fish

good tank mates for a cow fish

25 9:35:52

I was just wondering, in a fifty five gallon tank i want to get a cow fish for my first salt water fish. I'm still in the process of getting supplies, but any ways in my size of tank how many fish would be a good number for my tank and what kind of fish would be good tank mates for a cow fish.

Hello Chris,

I donthave experience with cow fish directly, but would suggest you dont go with them for your first outing...

They are a bit more finicky and difficult to keep, and they will make it difficult to keep other fish that would help in keeping yoru fish tank, (the clean up crew/snails/crabs, etc)

Iwould suggest setting up a fish only tank, with 'commhnity fish'.  then after you have good success with them, (m,aybe after a year), you can sell or trade your fish to get the aggressive fish you like...

good luck
