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white spots come back

25 9:47:08

hi, new to all this marine stuff, ive had my water checked twice at lfs and its all ok.i first started of with 5 cromus ,2 weeks later a yellow eyed tang, 2 weeks later 2x clown fish and a cleaner wrass. 3 days later my clowns were covered in tiny white spots ,2 days later my wrass died then my clowns died, and next day my tang died .cromus had white spots then they went away,2 weeks later i bought another 2 clowns , spots come back.took them to a shop they treated them all for me and now back in my tank all was ok for 3 days, guess what clowns got white spots ???... why is this , what can i do ?


you have an ick/parasite problem.  I would not buy anymore fish until it's gone.  Also treat them with Copper sulfate. Follow the directions very carefully. Put your remaining fish quarantine tank treated with copper sulfate for two weeks. If you take all of you fish out of your main tank.  The ich can not survive. cause it will not have anything to survive on it's a parasite without a host they die. Also with no fish in the main tank lower your salinity to about 1.010 for two weeks this will destroy the ick as well.  You have not got rid of the problem in your main tank, fish get treated then they get put back in the main tank and the cycle happens all over again..This will keep happening.  because the parasite is alive and well in the main tank.

1. take fish out of main tank place them in q-tank for two weeks.
2. treat main tank and q-tank with copper sulfate. two weeks as well.
3.  Talk to your local pet-store about this process of lowering your salinity it has always worked for me.

Good luck