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flower pot coral

25 9:31:03

I have removed the gel that covered the flower pot coral. what are some tips on getting this coral back to its former glory

I'd recommend taking it out of your 150 gallon show tank and putting it in a smaller hospital/sick tank, make sure the water parameters in it are of course stable and make sure it has at least strong power compact lighting over it. Things to help the animal recover include: not bothering it too much (leaving it alone), keeping the temperature nice and cool, not adding harsh chemicals to the water, and if it will eat, feed it at least once a week.

Try feeding it foods like Marine Snow, which is a quality liquid plankton food. See this link below for more information on it.

More often then not when corals and fish get sick their immune systems are weakened leaving them defenseless against the naturally occurring parasites in the water. You could try a product like Kent Marines Lugol's. REad more about this product from this link below.

Best Regards,

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