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To much ammonia

25 9:47:53

I have 3 clown, 1 blue tang, 2 green chromis and 2 humbug fish all small . I was feeding them twice a day, some dry food and then some either shrimp or blood worm. I have now stopped feeding them twice a day and only feed once and alternate the food. Thanks Janine
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Hi Gerry,
My tank is 68lt and i have one live rock about 1 kg and eight fish.
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I have just set up a salt tank and had all my levels ok when after a month my sea anemone died and now my ammonia has gone through the roof. I have done partial water changes for the past 3 days, do i keep doing them, some say do some say don't.
Thanks Janine
Janine, the cycle time a tank takes can be up to eight weeks. How big is your tank? Any live sand or live rock? Do you have any fish? The anemone is a very delicate creature and needs high water quality to survive. You might try introducing a couple of damsels. They are very hardy and will help the tank cycle. Gerry.
need to know type of fish. it makes a big difference in waste output. Also how often and how much do you feed them and what type of food?

Your feeding schedule may help but I still have a tendency to think you are not fully cycled. Keep doing partial, 15% water changes twice a week and also use a product which makes ammonia harmless by changing it's chemical composition. Several are available, amquel, and amquel+ are definitely worth using. Gerry.