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skimmer, water changes

25 9:30:34

hello david. quick question, i have an unusual amount of
algae growth on the glass of my 28 gallon nano cube (2 onyx
clown fish and a royal gramma) i have done a water change to
see if it would have any change. no effect. i thought some
ph buffer could raise the ph to slow (at least) the process
alas no luck (but the ph is around 7.5 and 8) so my last
incentive: remove sea clone skimmer. it was doing good until
i did a water change now isnt picking up anything! is there
anything i can do to fix the algae problem? thanks!  

Hi Nick,

A few recommendations to help keep Algae levels down include the following below:

If you don't have your lights on a timer, put them on one.

Get a clean up crew, they can consist of a variety of snails and hermit crabs, including: blue leg hermits crabs, turbo snails, nassarius snails etc...

Keep running your protein skimmer, this will help keep DOC (Dissolved Organic Compound) levels down. Since algae needs nutrients found in the water column to grow a protein skimmer is a very important filtration apparatus for small aquariums in combating algae.

Occasionally add new beneficial bacteria to your aquarium, these bacteria's will help to eat nutrients in your water, thus also helping to keep algae levels down. A couple products that come to mind, that I have personally used myself, that has done a great job of keeping algae levels down include: AquaBella and Brightwell Aquatics Micro Bacter7. See the links below for these products.


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Orange County Reef Aquatics - Director