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blue leg hermit crabs

25 9:36:22

I would like to convert my 5 gallon freshwater tank to a saltwater tank.  I plan to have live rock and only blue leg hermit crabs.  What do I need to know to convert the tank and introducing the crabs?  Thanks!

Hello Lauren,

acutally, you need to know a lot... you will need to wash the tank very well.  I suggest using a cup of bleach and the rest water and wash/scrub the tank and let it sit for a bit, then rinse with 1 cup of vinegar and the rest water and scrub and let it sit for a while

then fill it with water and let it sit for awhile.

after that, then you are good to go.

you will need to start up your tank.  Please read the following link, and if you have questions regarding starting up a tank, after that, I would be glad to answer those specific questions.

BUT, to keep ONLY crabs maybe difficult, unless you dont mind constantly adding crabs to replace the ones that die off due to starvation...

crabs are scavengers and if you keep a 'species' tank of only scavengers then they will not have anything to scavenge.

Please let me know how things work out for you
