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mustang seahorses

25 9:44:48

I'm a high school freshman doing a science project on mustang seahorses because I'd like to pursue marine biology in my future and I was wondering where they are found, what they need in a salt water aquarium and any advice you have.
thank you very much.

Hi Brittany. Seahorses are fascinating to watch and keeping them is a delight. They require a tank of at least 20-30 gallons. You will need a good filter one that is not too turbulent, a heater and only regular florescent lighting will do. If you have never had a saltwater tank before then I would suggest getting a good book on setting up and maintaining a saltwater tank before you start one up. There is too much to go over here. The only problems I have seen with keeping seahorses is their diet. They need a varied diet and can be very finicky about eating anything that is not live. You can start off with live brine shrimp but they will not live very long only being fed that. Hear is a good website on the feeding of seahorses. I am not very experienced with keeping them so you may want to do some more research on the web. Sorry I could not be more help.