Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Something wrong with my starfish

Something wrong with my starfish

25 9:36:34

My starfish is the only thing in his tank, besides living sand. I've continuously have been having problems with a red, orange and green-ish algae on the sand and back wall of the tank. I went away for two days and had his light off so his tank wouldn't over-heat. This morning I turned his light on and now it looks as though his tissue or skin has been eaten off and like his muscle or cartilage has hardened and fallen off. His tentacles are moving fine but he wont move around the tank. I did a full water change and was slowly doing a drip before putting him back in the tank. He now only is in his tank, no live sand. The filter is brand new. I'm worried he has a bacteria or something in the live sand was eating him. I'm unsure. Please anything to do to help?

Hello Holly,

I am so sorry for you and your starfish.

It would be nice to know a bitmore about your tank and water conditions as well as the type of starfish we are discussing...

I amguessing he is starving... most starfish survive only on algae and if your tank is relatively new and or devoid of food stuff, he maybe whithering and succumbing to starvation.

Anyways,  if you would post more info and maybe some pictures, we can talk about this some more

thanks and good luck
