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White Growth(s)

25 9:47:09

I have a 35G saltwater tank (est. 1.5yrs ago). The tank was built around one large, live "Figi" rock and I now have several synthetic pieces, as well. My inhabitants include one tomato clown, one blue damsel, one spotted goby and a peppermint shrimp.  The latter two were my most recent additions (2mon. ago), and I had also purchased a couple snails that day. Well to make things even more perplexing-I recently began using a new food treat (frozen brine shrimp) and something has come to my attention... Small white specks began to develop on the glass surfaces of my tank and are presently spreading to just about every other surface as well. My rocks, my coral, my filter, my thermometer and even the shells of my snails.  If scratched at, it flakes off easily; but the epidemic has spread so quickly, its impossible to treat manually now. Interestingly enough, I closely examined one of the specks and I'll be darned if it doesn't look like a tiny little snail.  Its completly white, like some kind of mineral deposit, but it seems to grow in a perfect spiral.  Are these really baby snails, or is this more similar to a barnacle. And if it is a snail(or a barnacle, for that matter), how can I combat them at this stage?  Thanks so much for your help. Miss Kellan (P.S. I have artificial and natural light & a 115V filter. Any other info will be supplied when requested. Thanks again)

Thinking about this a bit I do think they are barnacles and not baby snails.  The first thing to do is take the snail out of your tank and watch these tiny specks. They may be mineral deposits as well.  This is hard to treat and I am not sure how to do so. Try scraping then off as best as you can.  The ones I have in my tank.  I scrapped of and they withered away in time. I would do some research on a fish or crab that may eat these tiny guys. ( if they are snails) This would be a natural solution to your problem.  I bought some emerald crabs they took care of my snail problem.  I do not think the new food is causing this problem.  If I could see them it would help.  Let me ask around and try to see if I can help some more.