Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > dead fish but live invertebrates

dead fish but live invertebrates

25 9:46:59

Hi, I have been running a 15 Gals Saltwater Aquarium for over 15 months. Suddenly, last week started dying, but just the fish. The 2 that lasted more were the gobies. All invertebrates are like nothing happened. I had a cucumber, and yesterday I took it out, thinking it may have been the problem. The quality of the water seems fine (Amo 0, Nitrite 25, PH 8). I have a Skilter 250 and I am cooling the water with an aluminum device. I noted that the clownfish, before dying, had clouded eyes and had the skin like a lizzard when changing it. Please, I want to start putting fish, but I don't want them to be hurt again.

sounds like some form of infection to me, and the nitrIte is very high it should be zero, nitrAtes are tollerable at that level.

i would leave it for a good few weeks before putting any more fish in, do water changes every week and keep testing the water.