Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > overcrowded tank?

overcrowded tank?

25 9:30:20

Dear Sir,
I have a 75 gallon tank. It is well established , almost two yrs. old. I have the following inhabitants in it,
1 dwarf lion fish
1 Hawaiian spotted puffer (small)
1 burr faced puffer (med)
1 Picasso trigger (small)
1 Asian spotted puffer ( acclimated to full salt)
1 snowflake eel (approx. 12")
1 Koran angel (med)
1 coral beauty angel ( med)
2 yellow chromis ( med)
3 brittle stars
1 white watchman goby ( very small)
and finally a Harlequin Tusk ( med)
I don't plan on adding anything else. I also have plenty of live rock and live bacteria aragonite. Do you think it is too crowded? My filtration included, one large emperor hob filter, a protein skimmer, a large wet dry filter, and a hob canister filter(large).  

Hi Joy,

Thanks for the question. You definitely have a very impressive collection of marine life.

Unfortunately, I am going to have to say, "yes" your aquarium is inadequate in size, to accommodate all of these fish together.

Even if things are fine now, keep in mind the progress of them living together successfully into the future.

The Koran Angelfish (Pomacanthus semicirculatus) should be kept in a minimum aquarium size of 100 gallons, along with many of the other fish that you have.


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