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25 9:48:15

About how many animals died in the ocean form water pollution? And how can I help?

Dear Jessica,
    You ask a great question and I am not sure there is anyone who can give you a correct answer. Pollution occurs in nature but also is a product of mankinds waste. We foolishly [and sometimes unknowingly] have allowed the dumping of waste products and chemicals into our oceans by people and companies who do not care about living things, including you and me. They think money is more important than life, so they save money by not properly disposing of their waste products and thus jeopardize our planet's life and all the life that lives here. The best thing you can do is do your part as an individual person and be good to your environment. Write letters to your congressmen and senators telling them you want this pollution stopped for the sake of all. We live in a world dependent on oil and accidents happen that hurt the environment, when there is an oil spill from a ship it can do a tremendous amount of damage, but we all need it to live our lives the way we have become accustomed. So we all have to take some of the responsibility for what happens. Finally pray for people to become intelligent enough to realize we need each other and this earth to survive, be responsible and clean up the mess each and every one of us creates in our own little world. Bless you for asking, Gerry.
P.S.  You could become a scientist and help the rest of us find ways to help make the ocean a cleaner place for all our sea creatures to live. You would probably be great at it. Good luck and best wishes.