Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Crab


25 9:45:55

We have a 40 gal stretch hex saltwater tank. Just did a water change a couple
of days ago. We lost a sally lightfoot crab a month or so ago, but I noticed a
crab sticking its claw out of a cave in the live rock after that and thought the
sally lightfoot was still there. Just today, the crab come out to feed - it is NOT
a sally lightfoot! It has "furry" legs, black pincers with white tips, an orange
top shell. I've tried to take a picture of it, but it likes to hide in the rocks.
We're thinking it might be a decorator crab, but does not appear to have
stuck anything to its legs and shell. We are wondering if you might know of
anything else it might be and whether it is OK to have it in a tank with fish,
coral, a sally lightfoot and a shrimp. Also, where the heck could it have come
from? Would it have been a baby on some coral or rock we bought?
Sorry for the lengthy question, and appreciate your time.

could be a xanthid crab of some kind, there are lots of species of xanthid crabs and all are pretty nasty (and poisonous so don't eat it or give it to anything else to eat.......well unless you don't like them) could also be a teddybear crab, again not very nice to have. most crab hitchikers are considered not good.

try and bait it out and catch it, if none of your local fish shops want it flush it. sounds cruel but it could possibly demolish your tank stock slowly but surely.

hope that helps and merry christmas!