Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > (beginner) trying to start a saltwater tank

(beginner) trying to start a saltwater tank

25 9:32:33

Thanks Bill, I do have room in my cabinet ( 28"L x15"W x20"H ) and beside my cabinet I have another space about (12"L x18"Wx24"H) for equipment. If you think a sump would be beneficial towards the success of maintaining my tank, l will get one. l want fish that are not destructive and get along well with others. l would also like to include coral, shrimp, anemones, fan worms and live rocks if possible. l live in New York ( Long Island ) and do have access to saltwater aquarium equipment and fish in my area, and of coarse the weather here can range from very hot to very cold. I hope this will help you in your effort to advise me on what equipment l should consider. Thanks again for your help.


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