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iridescentnt shark

25 9:34:46

i have an iridescent shark 35cm long put in 500l freshwater,i feel it's getting too big for the tank...i have another 2200l saltwater tank..i want to ask if it would live in salt water if i put it the bigger tank and if yes, in what way can i transfer it to that tank.

Hi Eman,
I wish I had better news for you but, no. Pangasius Hypophthalmus, The Iridescent Shark(also Sutchi Catfish), is not a saltwater fish. It has been caught in low, brackish, river environments(1.010 and lower), but not full marine. It may survive a short time(days), but will eventually die. This is also an extremely large fish when mature. Reaching lengths of 36 to 60 inches(1 to 1.5 meters). Also a naturally schooling fish(best kept in groups of 6 or more) with a very timid personality. Very unfortunate that we find this great creature in home aquaria. I would look for someone(a zoo or public aquarium?) to take him off your hands with a LARGE aquarium(needs between 5,678 to 7,570 liters and schooling mates) for him to survive and thrive. This species can live 20 to 30 years when healthy and content. Good luck to you and that great fish!