Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > I have a fire goby that has white (rice-like) things under its skin.

I have a fire goby that has white (rice-like) things under its skin.

25 9:33:30


Early stage
I have a fire goby that has white (rice-like) things under its skin. It first appeared on my fish about a week ago. It looked like a white bubble. It has since changed sides, and now looks like little pieces of rice moving under the skin. Do you know what this is and how I can treat it?

Hello laura,

sorry to hear about your problem...  Im not sure what it can be... usually white spots are ich, but that picture doesnt look like it...

If it moves, it might be some type of worm, but usually they are not visible or when they are, they are dark, or black..

It actually looks more like a scrape, or a damaged 'scale'...  maybe from scratching... but you say it moves... hmmm...

I might suggest keeping an eye on it, and if it grows or moves then maybe try some API  MELAFIX

That is pretty my 'fixall'  ... it is natural and can be used in a display tank...  

Anything else, I have not had good luck in moving fish to save them.. the stres of the move along with whatever they had to begin with, is usually not a good combination...

good luck, and keep me posted

If you want to try posting on myu new forum at   there a couple marine biologist that frequent that site that might be able to help you more ...

good luck and hope to see you around...
